Monday, December 15, 2008


FREEEDOM!! wah... i don't know. normallly someone will feel sad. But i feel happy. I don't know cause if i break up with him, i will feel regret but then he break up with me, I don't know, i just feel so relieved. Maybe because after i tried so hard, i know i did my part liao but he's just screwing things up so it's his loss. NVM!!!

All he can say was,,, ask me go with my fling. You know when ppl have flings or feel guilty conscience, they will start thinking that their love one is cheating on them, WATCH DANE COOK VICSIOUS CIRCLE video and you will know. Well, he's just guilty that he's been with his fling. But honestly, people know me, know what kind of person I m.

I only find darren special cause he doesn't treat me like a dirt, like how he does. And he's just gonna go around telling people how i ill treated him. This kid of person uh... really hopless, can't admit his fault, wanna go around screwing ppl's life up. Lose liao call ppl slut.

He just replied me saying, "so much for waiting me downstairs to give me surprise. I guess this surprise doesn't worht you. I go surprise other ppl. I;ve got a few special ones too, aren't too far from here" ---- SEE i told you. It's true, he's got flings too but just don't wanna admit. And he's been flirting too! wah, lucky ..... we break up now.

ah ren~~~~ :X

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